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GNM Nursing is a credential offered by some of the best universities in the United States. Exams are administered at the state level. Information about the GNM Nursing entrance test may be found on the official websites of different state organisations.

Admission Process

Most states use test scores from a battery of admission tests to determine who gets into graduate-level nursing programmes. Application forms and enrolment fees are required of all prospective students. If their GPA meets the minimum standard set by their chosen university, they will be accepted without having to take the SAT or ACT first.


Eligibility requirements for the GNM Nursing diploma programme have been standardised by the Indian Nursing Council (INC). While there is some consistency in qualifying requirements throughout states, each has its reservation procedures to determine how its available seats are distributed.

  • A passing grade in English from a nationally recognized secondary school is required, as is a minimum of 40% in the qualifying test and English as a distinct subject. Publicly Recognized Open Schooling at the State Level Candidate eligibility also extends to State Open Schools approved by State governments and to the National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) approved by the Central government. Candidates having a background in the sciences, however, will be prioritised.
  • The candidate must have earned a minimum of 40% in an accredited vocational ANM programme to be considered for the position.
  • The applicant must have graduated from a CBSE-approved high school with a grade point average of at least 40% in the Vocational Stream—Health Care Science subject area.
  • No matter what subject area you focus on during class 12’s qualifying test, you’ll be able to apply to the GNM. This three-year nursing diploma programme includes a necessary six-month internship (class 12). Below are some of the most well known BSc Nursing entrance examinations in India, which the applicant is qualified to take after obtaining the GNM nursing diploma.


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