Are you interested in BPT? We can provide you with good academic advice to meet your professional goals.

The Bachelor of Physiotherapy (B.P.T.) degree is a four-and-a-half-year undergraduate programme that focuses on studying physical movement and applying that knowledge to the prevention of disability and movement disorders. Numerous career paths are open to graduates of the Bachelor of Physiotherapy (B.P.T.) programme. These include working as consultant physiotherapists in healthcare centres, N.G.O.s, multinational corporations, and other settings.


  • Applicants should have graduated from a 10+2 programme with a minimum 50% average (some wiggle room is granted to students from underrepresented groups).
  • Colleges and universities often ask applicants to take a standardised test as part of the admissions process.
  • Students should have taken biology, chemistry, and physics in high school.

Admission Process

Students interested in enrolling in a B.P.T. programme may find information about the application process and course requirements on the website of the institution of their choice. Application processing may be completed in person or online. Students interested in the B.P.T. programmes are encouraged to check the school’s website for information about the programme and how to apply. In addition, students should often visit the institution’s website since the admissions procedure varies widely amongst schools.

The Benefits of Doing a Bachelor’s Degree in Physiotherapy

The discipline of physiotherapy is often regarded as one of the most satisfying and thriving in the medical science industry. Therefore, candidates not interested in pursuing an M.B.B.S. may choose to pursue a B.P.T. Compared to M.B.B.S., the time commitment for a B.P.T. degree is far less. This opens up many possibilities for those interested in pursuing a medical career in physiotherapy.

Scope After BPT

Undergraduates studying physiotherapy have much room to advance in their careers. Physiotherapists are an essential part of the healthcare team and may be found in any facility that provides medical care. They aid in regaining mobility and function, whether due to sickness, injury, or handicap.


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